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Nice work, down to the details of the mushrooms on the stumps and the dead rats. There's some little easter eggs too, which is always fun. It's simple to get through but has a few good scares and a meaningful, sad story. I enjoyed it!


Short but well-polished game with a deep story. I really liked it


Beautiful game and great story. I enjoyed it, and the end made me sad.
I also want an illustration of "Princess Pony in Raccoon City" xD


I pl
I loved the game, It got pretty heavy.  good pacing and good storytelling.

Truly a great experience. Setting and story wise, it was just the right amount of horror. Though the fear the was being portraited in the game was not the game it self but what an action can make to the people we love. Love the twist and I'm expecting more great games.. Great Job!!


Extrememly good! Short, atmospheric horror with a good, voice-acted story, and it earned its emotional beats. Very recommended.


Very fun game, made me jump a few times. But very entertaining.


Great little short story. Very well polished and thought out! Window man got me good. 


Loved this game so much!


I loved the Bioshock references hidden in here. Great game :)


This was one of the highlights of the jam for me.  I've posted a review on the jam submission page, and made a playthrough video:


I thought it was pretty interesting and it told it’s story well and concisely. I had fun with it and made a little gameplay video of it:


issa good gaem, like th stori, prety fun, quite scary as well, the only bad part about the game is that the main character is britihs, 9/10 foor that reason alone

would recomned

You’re going to hate the next one then because every character is going to be British and also set in England 😂


I played this game and I first thought I was playing a Horror game but this was... much different from what I expected. If people wanna see my playthrough. It's here.


Fun and chill "ps1" style horror game, to quickly playthrough. Love the scuffed voice acting always!

Made a no commentary walkthrough

(1 edit) (+1)

Great story, well done! This is quality gaming 5/5

Played on Mac M1


I love this game but the ending confused me a bit


OMG dude this game did not expect that this does not belong in horror though.


Game starts at 18:58


Much more detail than I thought.  Well done.

YouTuber:  Fellowplayer


Nice game


This was so good! I thought its gonna be a simple game but as you getting deeper, its start to feel so atmospheric and sad as you learn the story of what actually happened there.

Keep up the good work DEV!!!

Love from Malaysia.


this is by far my favorite haunted ps1 game.

I stronlgy recommend you to play it.

good job dev


This game really took me by surprise. At first I expected a "escape from a deserted island while being chased" kind of experience, but got an emotional journey instead. The story was a sad, yet beautiful tale with an ending that gave me genuine chills and tears to my eyes. The music was well done and really added to the melancholy feel at the end of the game. I highly recommend this one. 

Incredible job Comp-3 Interactive!


Great. Now I am sad! Great game, really cool story, I got stuck because I didn't know a certain control, but I figured it out... so my fault. I loved this game a lot! Congrats, developer. You deserve a lot!


This was really well done!

Video Link:


This game could be incredible. Hell if I know. All art is beautiful in the eye of the beholder. One man's trash? well, you know the rest. Bless Up Cuh <3



erm- THIS? THIS? is what you submit to THINE? Bloke, you Oughtta Pick up thee FUCKIN PECE!


Loved it! You can see the amount of detail put into this game from the menu page alone. The only bad thing I have to say about this game is that it isn't long enough! I did kind of guess where the story was going, but that didnt take anything away from the whole experience. ☆☆☆☆


I really enjoyed this and I thought the story - despite using some tropes - was told in a way that made it fresh and quite moving. I also loved loved loved the attention to detail in the visuals. Are the paintings based on real paintings? Would love to know the origins because all of them are gorgeous. All in all: great work, can't wait what's next!


Amazing experience.


Dude this is beautiful!

I don't know why I haven't played this before it's so emotional, I love it, the attention to detail and the touching story feels really cool, you did an amazing job, I hope there's more coming from you!


Thanks man! Appreciate it! I think the ambiance is really helped by those tree models 😉 😂


One of the best uses for it that I'm aware of, great work!


This game was very heartfelt and had a shocking plot twist. I really enjoyed it. 


Were you inspired by Echo Night?


Awesome game!


game crushed my heart at the end although i was talking crap. loved the game , really great story telling.




I tried not to cry…


What a sad ending to a beautiful game wasn't scary but it touched the soul...pause 


Really brilliant story. The end is surprising and sad .. ✌✌✌✌✌
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