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A downloadable asset pack

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This asset contains a set of human arms which are fully rigged and also contain IK controls for the Elbows and Hands and intelligent rolling fingers. Meaning you only need to position the hands and Elbow targets and the rest of the animation/pose is taken care for you automatically!


Simply open up the Blender file provided, enter Pose Mode and control the rig using the Purple (hands), Red (fingers) and Blue (elbows) bones. Have a play about to get a feel for the rig and enjoy the simplicity.

The rig can be used to pose the arms for promo shots or to animate however you see fit! Simply create your animations and re-export the FBX file (or whichever file type you prefer to use).


Included in this pack are the following:

  • Lowpoly double arm mesh (685 tri count) exported as FBX ready to use in any game engine
  • Full rig with IK constraints
  • Left and Right arm have separate material slots to allow for different left and right textures
  • Textures including 2 skin tones (White and Black)
  • 4 texture variants per skin colour (Plain, Tattooed, Bloodied, Cuts and Scratches)
  • Blend file with the mesh and rig for custom animations / posing
  • Photoshop PSD texture file to create your own custom textures while still having a solid texture base to work from


  • No credit necessary but always appreciated
  • Customising the asset for projects is acceptable
  • Item is not for resale, including any derivative work including the asset bar compiled game projects using the asset


This pack does NOT contain any of the game assets seen in the screen shots, these are purely for demonstration purposes. This pack contains ONLY the arms/arm textures/arm rig/blend model file/PSD texture file


Get this asset pack and 2 more for £9.99 GBP
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In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of £2.99 GBP. You will get access to the following files:

FPS 7.5 MB


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I imported it into Unity, and I don't see the door opening animation and other animations anywhere.


Because there are no animations included. It’s a rigged set of arms, it lists in the description what’s included


Sure cool, I looked at the pictures and thought they were part of the animation. I will make my own animations. Nice model by the way. I'm looking forward to using it to create my old school fps that I'm working on.

According to the license agreement, I can't use this asset in my commercial game? Or did I misunderstand?


Sorry for any misunderstanding, I’m not great with writing licencing terms.

Item is not for resale, including any derivative work including the asset bar compiled game projects using the asset

This section is intended to say the asset is not for resale including editing the asset and reselling or the asset being included in another package.

Using it in compiled game projects is perfectly fine

Thank you

so it may be a dumb question, but i opened the .blend file and tried moving one hand, but when i move it the other hand does the same movement/rotation. How could i disable that, so i will be able to move/animate one hand at a time?

In pose mode, the window tool bar, all the way to the right (on my workspace which is close enough to default). There’s a mirror option. Should be a butterfly looking icon, uncheck that


I found it, thank you. Also very nice model